Mac OS X Mountain Lion and XCode on PC

I wanted a Mac so that I can run XCode to develop iOS devices.
I have a 13 inch White Macbook with Snow Leopard but I do not want to upgrade to Mountain Lion (ML) yet.
But the cheapest Macbook Air is about $600 (used), which has Core 2 Duo.
I even thought about buying a new PC and make it to Hackintosh.
It's also about the same cost and more trouble to configure and it's not perfect.
So I decided to go with the VMWare rouote. The laptops I have are powerful enough to run Mac VM on top of Windows 7 hosts.

Download VMWare image from


Download XCode from Apple Dev Site.
Xcode from AppStore on ML did not work.

I installed XCode and now I have a iOS development machine.

The performance is not great but it works.


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