Wires-X Analog Node

I got HRI-200. I set up Wires-X software and I am using FT817 as analog station.
It took 3 days to receive Wires-X registration.

Whenever somebody talks, FT817 turns itself off.
Also, I can't hear anything from receiver.
I can hear conversation from HRI200's monitor port (mono only).
There is very little amount of information available as to how to build Wires-X  analog node. I am sure many people are using Analog nodes but nobody seems to be sharing the info.
I gave up trying to use FT817 and bought FTM100. If it's Yaesu's plot to make people buy FTM100 or FTM400, they seem to have succeeded.

Addition to the original post

I bought FTM100 and setting digital node with it was very easy.


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