
Showing posts from 2016

Ham License

I got my ham radio Technician class license on Monday 7/25/2016. It took a week after the exam for the FCC to process. Since there is no Morse code requirement, you do not have to be techie since all you need to do is remember questions and answers from question pools available online. Unless you really want to learn about technical details, you do not need to buy a textbook. FCC does not send a copy of license. You need to register on FCC site and you download a copy of your license as a pdf file. I will try to take General test sooner than I thought I would.

Dell Venue 8 Pro and Windows 10

I was putting off upgrading my Dell Venue 8 Pro to Windows 10. I decided to try the upgrade and see if Windows 10 is any good on this tablet. 1. Took system backup in case something goes wrong.      Using Dell Backup and Recovery and 8GB USB stick, I did system backup.      It took about 1 hour. 2. Downloaded Windows 10 installer from Microsoft site. 3. Ran the installer - took about several hours      I chose to erase apps and personal files 4. Updated BIOS     Dell driver autodetect insisted on doing Firmware update but it always failed when doing         automatic update. I ran manually and the program complained there is already the same or newer     version of the driver installed. Caution: If you like Dell's default wallpaper on Venue Pro 8, I recommend backing up the wallpaper before upgrading. I forgot to back it up and ended up losing it. No...